Setup the project

After you install Sitefinity CMS, create your project, and activate your license, you must open it in a browser to set it up.

The Project Startup wizard appears in a web browser.

  1. In Set Database radio buttons group, choose one of the following:
    • Microsoft SQL Server Express
      The Instance input field appears, where you can enter a different instance of the SQL Server Express.
      Sitefinity CMS creates a database file in the App_Data folder of the new project.

      NOTE: If you do not have an SQL Server Express installed on your computer, you can download it from Microsoft SQL Server downloads page.

    • Microsoft SQL Server
      You must have Microsoft SQL Server installed and the appropriate database security credentials.
      For more information, contact your system administrator.

      NOTE: If you want to install your project to Microsoft Azure, select Microsoft SQL Server to work locally. Later, you will migrate the local database to Azure SQL. For more information, see Deploy projects to Azure App Services.

    • IMPORTANT: If you want Sitefinity CMS to manage the database, the account you are using must have a minimum set of permissions to:
      • Create and modify the database schema
      • Create and modify the database components (tables and view)
      • Perform all CRUD operations
      If you want Sitefinity CMS to create the SQL database, then the account you are using to connect to your SQL server must have create database permissions. The application pool identity should be assigned as db_owner for the Membership and DB schema as it should perform all CRUD operations, including create and drop (creating/deleting using Sitefinity CMS backend GUI custom fields, custom modules, or upgrading).
      If you want to connect to an already existing database, the user that you are using to authenticate on the SQL server must have permissions to read and write to tables and to alter the database schema. The user must be assigned to db_datareader, db_datawriter, and db_ddladmin database roles.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. On Register Administrator step, enter the name and the email of the project’s administrator and choose a password.
    This is the first user created, who has unrestricted rights for the project.

    NOTE: Sitefinity CMS passwords must be at least 7 characters long and is recommended to contain at least one number and one special character, for example, admin@3.

  4. Click I’m done button.
    The Login screen appears.
  5. Enter the email and the password, which you have chosen in Step 4 and click Login.
    For more information, see Sitefinity CMS login.

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