Continuous delivery and Load balancing

IMPORTANT: If you have ever turned on database storage mode of configurations, you cannot use Continuous delivery.

You can use load-balancing in Continuous delivery the same way, as a project that is not in a load-balanced scenario. You only need to turn on Auto-storage of configurations and Read-only mode of configurations on all of the nodes that are part of the load balancing Live setup.

The auto-storage takes care that all applications settings are saved in the database. This way, there is no inconsistency between the nodes of the load balancing, because they all read and write to the same database. The read-only mode makes sure that environment configurations that are kept on the file system of each node cannot be changed on the Live environment, therefore they will also remain the same on all nodes.

IMPORTANT: The labels and messages, although they reside on the file system, are not protected by the read-only mode. In a load-balanced scenario, you have to synchronize them manually using procedure NLB: Synchronize labels and messages between the nodes from a load balanced setup.

The following table summarizes the applications of the different configuration storage modes:

  FileSystem FileSystem
(shared location)
Database Auto
Transfer environment configurations published2
published2 reject published2
Keep application settings made runtime
reject published2 published2
Load balancing
reject published2 published2 published2
Continuous delivery
reject reject reject published2


IMPORTANT: When using database or FileSystem storage, you cannot use Continuous delivery. You can switch from database storage to FileSystem storage mode by migrating the configurations. For more information, see Migrate configurations. To work in Auto-storage mode and use Continuous delivery, you can switch from FileSystem storage mode to Auto-storage mode. For more information, see Turn on Auto-storage mode for configurations.
Once you switch to Auto-storage mode, you cannot get back to the other configuration storage modes.

The following diagram demonstrates how Sitefinity CMS works with auto-storage mode and read-only mode in load-balancing and Continuous delivery:

Continuous delivery - Load-balancing


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