Manage A/B tests campaigns

You can manage A/B tests in one of the following ways:

  • Navigate to Marketing » A/B testing and expand the Actions menu of an A/B test.
    You can sort A/B tests or search for a specific test.
  • In page editing mode, expand the A/B menu and manage the A/B test for this page.

IMPORTANT: Your connection to Sitefinity CMS needs to be properly configured, so that Sitefinity Insight collects data. In case connection is lost, the case may be that the A/B tests is going on but Sitefinity Insight does not track and accumulate data. In addition, you cannot manage the A/B test. For more information, see Troubleshoot connection issues.

The following table summarizes how you can manage A/B tests.

Action Description
Start  You can start or schedule an A/B test on a draft or published page. In case the page is in status Draft, latest changes you made to the page are automatically published. 
Edit  You can edit:
  • Test title
  • Start date

    NOTE: Be aware that by changing the start date of an active A/B test, all statistics prior to the new start date are deleted from Sitefinity Insight.

  • End date
  • Variations
  • Allocation of traffic to the variations
  • Goals

    NOTE: After you edit or add goals, in case you stopped the test, you need to manually resume the A/B test. You can edit tests in Active state. 

  • Also, keep in mind that test results afterwards possibly will be quite altered and may skew your statistics. 

Delete  Once you delete an A/B test in Sitefinity CMS, all data stored in Sitefinity Insight is also deleted.

NOTE: You cannot delete tests that are in status Active

Change status  
  • Active
    You can stop the test for any amount of time. All your test data is kept in Sitefinity Insight and not deleted.
  • Stopped
    You can resume an A/B test anytime. Resuming the A/B test will publish all recent changes on the tested page.
  • Ended 
Resume  You can resume an A/B test anytime. Resuming the A/B test will publish all recent changes on the tested page.
End  To end the test, you must select which variation becomes the default content of the page.

For more information, see End A/B tests campaigns.


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