Email campaigns settings

Email sending settings

Before you can send Email campaigns, you need to configure the email service. You can send your campaigns using a standard SMTP server. 

By default, if you have configured the Sitefinity CMS email settings, the Email campaigns module will send notifications using the default notification profile. For more information about configuring Sitefinity CMS email settings, see Configure email settings.

Configure a notification profile

The Email campaigns module relies on the Notification service for sending emails. To use it, you must configure the notification profile that you want to use. There you configure the SMTP server settings and, if you want to send emails in batches, you can set the batch size and the pause interval between batches. For more information, see Configure notification profiles.

If you want to explicitly specify a notification profile for the Email campaigns modulefollow these steps:

  1. In the main menu, click Administration » Settings » Advanced.
  2. In the treeview on the left, click Newsletters.
  3. In the Notifications SMTP Profile textbox, type the name of the notification profile you want to be used to send emails for the Email campaigns module. If you do not fill in a name explicitly, the default notification profile is used.
  4. Click Save changes.

Configure the advanced track bounced messages settings 

If you have chosen to Track bounced messages, when configuring the Sitefinity CMS email settings or the notification profile, used by the Email campaigns module, you can further fine-tune the tracking behavior. Perform the following steps to define the advanced track bounced messages settings:

  1. In the main menu, click Administration » Settings » Advanced.
  2. In the treeview on the left, click Newsletters.
  3. In Collect bounces every (minutes), enter the length of interval in minutes that the system will collect bounce messages from the POP3 account.
  4. In Collect bounces retry count, enter the number of times that the system will collect bounce messages from the POP3 account.
  5. In Bounced messages retry interval, enter the length of interval in minutes that the system will retry to send soft bounced messages.
  6. In Bounced messages retry count, enter the number of times that the system will retry to send soft bounced messages.
  7. In Disable Sitefinity CMS email headers, select whether you want Sitefinity CMS email headers to be disabled.
  8. Click Save changes.

Email bounce codes

Sitefinity CMS handles the following bounce codes:

Bounce code

Bounce type


5.0.0 Hard Address does not exist
5.1.0 Hard Other address status
5.1.1 Hard Bad destination mailbox address
5.1.2 Hard Bad destination system address
5.1.3 Hard Bad destination mailbox address syntax
5.1.4 Hard Destination mailbox address ambiguous
5.1.5 Hard Destination mailbox address valid
5.1.6 Hard Mailbox has moved
5.1.7 Hard Bad sender\’s mailbox address syntax
5.1.8 Hard Bad sender’s system address
5.2.0 Soft Other or undefined mailbox status
5.2.1 Soft Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages
5.2.2 Soft Mailbox full
5.2.3 Hard Message length exceeds administrative limit.
5.2.4 Hard Mailing list expansion problem
5.3.0 Hard Other or undefined mail system status
5.3.1 Soft Mail system full
5.3.2 Hard System not accepting network messages
5.3.3 Hard System not capable of selected features
5.3.4 Hard Message too big for system
5.4.0 Hard Other or undefined network or routing status
5.4.1 Hard No answer from host
5.4.2 Hard Bad connection
5.4.3 Hard Routing server failure
5.4.4 Hard Unable to route
5.4.5 Soft Network congestion
5.4.6 Hard Routing loop detected
5.4.7 Hard Delivery time expired
5.5.0 Hard Other or undefined protocol status
5.5.1 Hard Invalid command
5.5.2 Hard Syntax error
5.5.3 Soft Too many recipients
5.5.4 Hard Invalid command arguments
5.5.5 Hard Wrong protocol version
5.6.0 Hard Other or undefined media error
5.6.1 Hard Media not supported
5.6.2 Hard Conversion required and prohibited
5.6.3 Hard Conversion required but not supported
5.6.4 Hard Conversion with loss performed
5.6.5 Hard Conversion failed
5.7.0 Hard Other or undefined security status
5.7.1 Hard Delivery not authorized, message refused
5.7.2 Hard Mailing list expansion prohibited
5.7.3 Hard Security conversion required but not possible
5.7.4 Hard Security features not supported
5.7.5 Hard Cryptographic failure
5.7.6 Hard Cryptographic algorithm not supported
5.7.7 Hard Message integrity failure
9.1.1 Hard Hard bounce with no bounce code found. It could be an invalid email or rejected email from your mail server (such as from a sending limit).

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