Transfer content between environments


By default, Sitefinity SaaS comes with a Staging environment and a Production environment. The Staging environment is meant to be used by developers for testing functional changes and by content editors for content changes. SiteSync functionality is preconfigured from Staging to Production, allowing content editors to make changes on Staging first and then promote them to Production.
For more information about using SiteSync, see SiteSync.

Content modeling in the cloud

Sitefinity SaaS has the notion of dynamic modules (custom content types). A custom content type is a custom content structure that represents a business object. Examples of custom content types are: FAQ, Release Notes, University course descriptions, etc. Sitefinity SaaS provides a visual interface for modeling dynamic content types called Module Builder.
With Sitefinity SaaS, the workflow of introducing a custom content type is the following:

  • On the Staging environment, navigate to the Module Builder
  • Create the new dynamic module and content type(s).
  • Create content items from the new content type(s) on Staging and preview them.
  • Promote the new content type(s) and all the content items to Production using SiteSync. 
  • The new module (custom content type) becomes publicly available. 

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