Sitefinity Cloud provides different database operations out-of-the-box. Automated backups of the database on each environment are created every minute, .bacpac files can be used to export/import a database, and databases can be restored from one environment to another on demand. For more information about.bacpac files, see Microsoft documentation » BACPAC.
IMPORTANT: Sitefinity Cloud uses Azure SQL Database service. When you make a backup of your database, it is always made using the latest stable Enterprise Edition of SQL server. Keep this in mind when considering compatibility with your local version of SQL server you are restoring the database backup to.
Automated backups of the database on each environment are made every minute. These backups are kept for a period of 35 days, enabling you to restore your website database to a desired point in time within that period. You can request a restoration to a point in time by contacting the Sitefinity support team.
NOTE: Automated backups are not made available for development purposes. They are setup for disaster recovery and emergency data restoration purposes only. If you need a database backup for development purposes refer to the Database backups for development and On-demand database backups sections further in this article.
Sitefinity Cloud environment databases are automatically exported to .bacpac files on a weekly basis. You can access these files and use them to restore the database locally for development and testing purposes. Databases can also be exported on demand as described below.
To export a database to a .bacpac file on demand, perform the following:
NOTE: To protect sensitive data, use an obfuscated copy of the database. For more information, see ;Setup PII data obfuscation.
You can import a database from a .bacpac file into any environment using the DB.Import pipeline. The input parameter for the pipeline is the URI of the .bacpac file.
To import a database from a .bacpac file, perform the following:
NOTE: Importing a .bacpac file into a Production or Authoring (Content Staging) environment will result in approximately 2–3 minutes of downtime, as the site requires time to start up with the new database.
BACPAC files are stored in a dedicated storage account that you can access. To import a .bacpac file in your local development environment, perform the following:
Sitefinity Cloud environments have been isolated to create a safe mechanism for deploying and testing code changes, while content editing on the production environment remains uninterrupted. The environments use separate databases. Use this procedure to restore a database from one environment to another.
To restore the database from one environment to another, perform the following:
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