Manually configure the server to host Sitefinity CMS projects

If you are using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to host your Sitefinity CMS projects, you must configure the server in the following way, depending on your operating system:

Windows Server 2016 and later with IIS 10 

  1. Under Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019, Install ASP.NET 4.8.
    NOTE: .NET Framework 4.8 is bult in Windows Server 2022 and you do not need to install it. Instead, you enable the following features as described in Step 2 below: .NET Framework 4.8 Advanced Services and ASP.NET 4.8.
  2. Open Server Manager and click Add roles and features.
  3. Go to Server Roles and select Web Server (IIS).
    Confirm if a prompt for required features appear.
  4. Go to Features and select the following features:
    Under .NET Framework 4.8 Features, select .NET Framework 4.8 and ASP.NET 4.8.
  5. Go to Web Server Role (IIS) » Role Services and select the following services:
    1. Common HTTP Features:
      • Default Document
      • Static Content
    2. Health and Diagnostics:
      • HTTP Logging
    3. Performance:
      • Static Content Compression
    4. Application Development:
      • .NET Extensibility 4.8
      • ASP.NET 4.8
    5. Management Tools:
      • IIS Management Console
    Confirm if a prompt for required features appear.
  6. Install the roles and features you selected.

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