Create user segments

User segments are different groups of users that are served different content (different versions of a page). You create user segments based on certain rules that apply to the users. For example, one segment can be users that are located in London, another segment can be users from the US who visit the site between 5 PM and 10 PM.

To create a user segment, do the following:

  1. On the Sitefinity main menu, choose Marketing » Personalization.
    The Personalization page opens.
  2. Click Create a user segment.
    The Create a user segment page opens.
  3. Enter a name and a description for the user segment.
    The name and the description are used for your convenience only and are not displayed anywhere on the frontend.
  4. Create the rules that will determine this user segment, by clicking Add a characteristic button.
    The Add a characteristic box appears. It contains a set of predefined characteristics from which you can choose.
  5. Choose a characteristic according to which you want to filter your users.
    For more information, see User characteristics.
  6. Click Save.
    The selected characteristic appears under For users with these characteristics... section.
  7. To add more characteristics, click one of the following buttons:
    • If you want the users to be filtered either by the first, or the second characteristic, click the Add a characteristic button under the OR separator.
    • If you want to apply the first characteristic and then the second one, click Add a characteristic button under the AND separator.
    • EXAMPLE: You want to form a user segment containing users from London who were redirected to your site from, first choose Location characteristic, then under AND, choose Referral URL characteristic.
      If you want to form a user segment, containing users either from London, or from Paris, first choose Location characteristic, then under OR, choose another Location characteristic.
      You can also create more specific user segments, using both OR and AND logical operators. For example, either users who have visited a specific page, or users from London or Paris, and from all of these users filter only those who have visited the site between 10 AM and 5 PM.
  8. To immediately use the segment, select This user segment is active checkbox.
  9. Click Save changes.
    The user segment is created and can be used to personalize pages.
    For more information, see Create a personalized version of a page.
  10. NOTE: After you create a segment, you can set its priority. This is useful, if, for example, you have different user segments with overlapping characteristics, or you have broader and more specific user segments. Setting their priority tells the system the order in which to apply user segments to the users of the website.
    To change the priority of a segment, on Personalization page, click the Actions link of the segment and in the dropdown menu select Up or Down. The segment with highest priority is at the top of the page.


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