User characteristics

List of user characteristics

The following table lists all available characteristics that you can choose to describe a user or user segment, together with their meaning and what you must enter after choosing a characteristic:

Geographic characteristics

Characteristic Meaning Input
IP address The IP address of the user. A text field opens, where you must enter one or both of the following:
  • Single IP addresses - enter one per line
  • A range of IP addresses of users that will be included in the user segment. Enter the first and the last IP address from the range, separated by a dash.
    For example, enter

To use this characteristic, your project must have a Geolocation folder with its contents. The Geolocation folder is located at ~/App_Data/GeoLocation.

Location Where the user is physically located

In the Select location field, fill out the location and click the Add button. 

You can type, for example, a country name or a city name.

This characteristic uses the IP address of users to determine their location and requires that your project has a Geolocation folder with its contents. The Geolocation folder is located at ~/App_Data/GeoLocation.

Session characteristics

Characteristic Meaning Input
Landing URL The page from your website that the user was redirected to from an external website.
  1. In the next dropdown box, select a logical operation.
  2. In the input field, enter the URL or part of the URL of the landing page.

NOTE: This characteristic uses information only from the user’s current session.

For example, you can use the Starts with logical operation to group all users that land on page that starts with, without having to enter separately the exact URLs of all pages, from which each specific whitepaper is downloaded.

NOTE: When evaluating an URL, only the path and the query are considered - protocols, schema, and host names are ignored.

Referral URL The URL of the page that redirected the user to your page.
  1. In the dropdown box with logical operations, select a logical operation.
  2. In the input field, enter the value that will be used for the logical operation.

For example, you can use the Contains logical operation to group all users, referred by a domain, such as, without entering the exact URLs separately.

Time of day The time interval when the user visited your site.

Use the From and To dropdown boxes to define the time interval.

This characteristic uses the IP address of users to determine their location and requires the Geolocation folder and its contents to be present. The Geolocation folder is located at ~/App_Data/GeoLocation.

Visit duration The duration of the user session.

Use the From and To input fields to define the duration of the user visit in the selected unit of measurement.

NOTE: This characteristic uses information only from the user’s current session.

For example, you can select only users with user sessions between 1 and 2 minutes.

Visited page A page that was visited by the user.

Only users who have visited a certain page are included in the user segment.

NOTE: This characteristic uses information only from the user’s current session.

Choose one of the following:
  • Select page…
    Select a page from the sitemap.
  • Enter URL…
    Enter the URL of a page from your site.

NOTE: When evaluating an URL, only the path and the query are considered - protocols, schema, and host names are ignored.

Query parameter of visited URL Personalizes the content on the page that has the query parameter in the URL.

Query parameters enable you to personalize based on a particular campaign or marketing effort that brings traffic to your site.

To group visitors based on how they found your content:

  1. In the Query parameter field, enter the value of the parameter, for example, utm_medium.
  2. In the dropdown box with logical operations, select a logical operation, for example Is.
  3. In the Value field, enter the query value, for example social.

In the example above, the logical operation and the query value group all users that came from the campaign you initiated on social media.

Device type Segments visitors according to the type of the device they are using to visit your site Select between Desktop or Mobile.

User account characteristics

Characteristic Meaning Input
User profile fields The fields of a user profile.
Can be applied only to registered users.

For more information about profile fields, see User profiles.

The Field dropdown box contains all fields available in the user profile.

  1. Select a field.
  2. In the dropdown box with logical operations, select a logical operation.
  3. Enter a value for the user profile field and click Add.

You can add more than one condition for the profile fields.


The Sitefinity CMS role that the user is assigned to.
For example, Designers or Customers.

For more information, see Roles.

Select the roles, which you want to apply the personalization rule to.
All users belonging to any of the selected roles are going to be served personalized content.

Hide characteristics

You can hide any of the above characteristics. This way, they will not be displayed in the dropdown box when configuring a user segment.

To do this, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to Administration » Settings » Advanced.
  2. In the treeview on the left, expand Personalization » Criteria.
  3. Select the criterion that you want to hide.
  4. Select the Hidden checkbox and save your changes.

NOTE: You can remap personalization criteria at Administration » Advanced settings » Personalization » Criteria.

Other characteristics

Custom characteristics that do not have a group name set are displayed under Other characteristics. For more information, see Create custom personalization criteria.

Sitefinity Insight based personalization

Characteristic Meaning Input
Persona Any persona created in Sitefinity Insight. In the dropdown menu, select a persona to base your segment on.
Campaign DISCLAIMER: Creating segments based on the Sitefinity Insight Campaigns feature is deprecated as of Sitefinity Insight deployment on Feb 18, 2022.
Lead score Any Lead scoring defined in Sitefinity Insight

In the dropdown menu, select the lead scoring type to base your segment on.
Then, from the Stage dropdown select scoring stages.
If you select an exact stage name, only visitors who scored enough to be part of this exact stage will be selected in this segment.
If you select one of the  <Stage name> and above options, visitors who scored enough to be part of this exact stage or one of the later stages will be selected in this segment.

Contact property Contact information based on Sitefinity Insight contact properties.

Create segmentation based on information from Sitefinity Insight contact properties.

Select a contact property, logical operation, and enter a string value.

NOTE: As of Sep 27, 2024, Sitefinity Insight offers contact properties with types other than Text. This version of Sitefinity CMS supports only contact properties of type Text. Therefore, when you use a User characteristic, based on Sitefinity Insight user properties, you can use only Insight contact properties of type Text.
To use custom contact properties of other types, upgrade to Sitefinity CMS 15.2 or later.

You can also add custom contact properties. For more information, see Configure contact properties.

Touchpoint Any touchpoint defined in Sitefinity Insight In the dropdown menu, select a touchpoint to base your segment on.
Then, select the period when the touchpoint was hit.
Conversion Any conversion defined in Sitefinity Insight In the dropdown menu, select a campaign to base your segment on.
Then, select the period when the conversion was hit.

To learn how to configure the personalization characteristics, see Sitefinity Insight personalization criteria.

For more information, see Sitefinity Insight.

Marketo based personalization

For more information, see Configure Marketo based personalization.

Characteristic Meaning Input
Marketo lead score A number that represents the Marketo lead score of a user. In the field, enter a number representing Marketo lead score.
For example, 100.
Marketo field A field from a user profile in Marketo. In the Lead field, enter the name of the Marketo field from the Marketo user profile. Then, enter the value of the field.
For example, Company is equal to Progress

HubSpot based personalization

PREREQUISITES: You must have a HubSpot license.

Characteristic Meaning Input
HubSpot score A number that denotes whether a contact qualifies for sales readiness, based on the criteria set in HubSpot's lead scoring tool.
For more information, see HubSpot’s documentation » Set up score properties to qualify contacts and companies.
In the Value field, enter a number representing HubSpot lead score.
For example, 100.
HubSpot Contact property A contact property field from a contact profile in HubSpot.
For more information, see HubSpot’s documentation » Manage your properties.
In the first input field, enter the contact property.
For example, enter Email.
In the second input field, enter the property value.
This property must exist in HubSpot.

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