Conversions rate uplift reports


Visitors are part of the conversion report when they:

  • Hit one or more touchpoints within the conversion window
  • Correspond to the segmentation rules set by a conversion definition (if any)
  • Completed the conversion event

Conversion rate uplift measures whether visitors that hit the touchpoint are more likely to convert than visitors in the conversion segment. Thus, you compare conversion rates of touchpoint visitors to the average conversion rate of the visitor segment, specified in the conversion definition.

NOTE: For the purpose of the report, visitors that complete the conversion event are considered as "converted" for this specific conversion definition.

Conversion rate uplift

Once you know how many unique hits a touchpoint has and know the conversion rate for a specific conversion definition, you can calculate the conversion rate uplift. The conversion rate uplift gives you a quantitative figure of how much a touchpoint affects conversion. The uplift basically measures how many times the conversion rate for visitors who hit the touchpoint is higher or lower than the conversion rate for all visitors in the tracked segment.

NOTE: When calculating conversion rate uplift, keep in mind that touchpoint visitors are all visitors who satisfy the conversion definition and hit a touchpoint during the conversion window.

In general, conversion rate uplift is calculated using the following formula:

Conversion rate uplift = (Conversion rate of touchpoint visitors / Conversion rate of visitors in conversion segment) – 1

Where for each conversion:

Conversion rate of touchpoint visitors = Visitors that hit the touchpoint and then converted / Visitors that hit the touchpoint during the conversion window

Conversion rate of conversion segment = Unique conversions / Visitors in conversion segment

NOTE: You subtract 1 to take into account the improvement or change in conversion rates ratio. For example, if Conversion rate of touchpoint contacts = Conversion rate of conversion segment, then the ratio would not make sense. By subtracting 1, you can have negative and positive conversion rate ratios.

The higher the conversion rate uplift, the bigger impact on conversion a touchpoint has.

Conversion rate uplift calculation example

Following is a simple example illustrating attribution calculation for a specific conversion:

Conversion: Buy laptop from

Variant 1

Variant 2

Conversion window

3 months

6 months

Visitors in conversion segment



Unique conversions



Conversion rate




Touchpoint: Download laptop brochure

Variant 1

Variant 2

Touchpoint hits



Visitors who hit touchpoint and converted



Conversion rate of touchpoint visitors





Conversion rate uplift

Variant 1

(5/10) -1 = -0.5

Variant 2

(50/15) -1 = 2.3

In the example above, you can analyze the results for different conversion windows and compare conversion rates and the uplift. It becomes apparent that even though with time conversion rate increases from 10% to 15%, visitors that hit the touchpoint convert at much higher rates, compared to the visitors that did not hit the touchpoint.

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