Manage responses to forms

When you create and publish a form on the website, the users can fill it out and submit their answers. The responses you get to a form are visible in the backend and you can see them via the Forms page.

Protect form responses

To protect sensitive information, you can set view permissions for form responses. You can deny certain users or roles to view all form responses or you can set permissions only for one particular form.
For more information about managing permissions, see Permissions by section and Permissions of individual items.

Manage form responses

To manage the responses to a form, on the Forms page, click the green count button in the Responses column of the respective form. The count button becomes clickable when the form responses number is higher than 0.
Note that if a user or role does not have permissions to view any/specific form responses, no count button will be available for the protected form(s) in the Responses column.
Once you are navigated to view the responses to a particular form, the active screen lists all submitted responses in a grid. The columns of the grid represent all the fields of your form with their corresponding values. Each response represents a line in the grid, containing the number of the response, the time and date when it was submitted, the language, and the answers to all parts of the form.

  • You can open a preview with the responses to all questions upon selecting the respective line in the grid and then selecting the Preview option from the Actions menu(Actions) menu.
    The form responses together with the exact time and date, username, and the IP address opens in a new preview screen.
  • You can export a selection of form responses by selecting the checkbox next to the form responses you want to export and then selecting the Export to Excel option from the Actions menu(Actions) menu.
    The Export to Excel option is also available as a bulk action.
  • You can delete one or more submitted responses by selecting the responses in the grid and clicking Delete button in the toolbar of the page.
    The Delete option is also available as a bulk action.
  • You can sort the list of available form responses by first or last submitted on top. Use the Filter responses(Filter responses) button.
  • You can search for responses using the Search field on top of the grid. 

To go back to Forms page, click the Back to Forms link, available in the upper left corner of the grid.


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