Personalize widgets

Personalizing widgets, or, creating different versions of widgets, is the simplest and most flexible way to present targeted content that reflects the visitor’s context and segment. For example, on one and the same page you can personalize two content blocks. One may display pricing information to visitors with IT Manager role and the other may display content that calls to action to download a trial version of a software to visitors with Developer role. Thus, a single page can serve more than one user segments.

NOTEIf you already have widgets personalized for a specific segment and you create a new page for this segment, the page will have the widgets by default.

You can personalize certain out-of-the-box widgets. You can also personalize dynamic content widgets. For more information, see Supported content.

NOTE: If you are working with Sitefinity Insight, keep in mind that personalization data is not sent for the Details view of a single item, as opposed to the List view of the widget. Personalization is still applied – lists are personalized for the various segments and personas. However, the single item itself is not personalized that is why no personalization data is sent.

IMPORTANTSince personalized widgets are loaded asynchronously on the client side, they are not rendered on the page itself. Therefore, personalized widgets are not indexed by search engines, such as Google.

Personalize a widget

  1. Open for editing a page you want to personalize.

    NOTE: If the page is already personalized, you can choose which version of the page you want to view by selecting the user segment in the top left menu.

  2. To personalize a widget on the page, open the More menu and choose Add personalized version.
  3. Choose the user segment that the widget will be personalized for and click Add.

    NOTE: Adding a personalized version also adds a Not specified version. This version is displayed to visitors that are not part of any segment.

  • The widget becomes orange to designate that it has a personalized version. You can also see the segment, for which the personalization applies.
  • The page menu is updated with the new widget version.

You can switch the content between personalized versions of a widget by simply changing the user segment, for which the content is visible.

To delete a personalized version of a widget, open the More menu of a widget and choose Remove this version.


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