Setup sending emails for form responses


The Sitefinity CMS Forms module can send notifications to website users and administrators. For example, your website administrator might want to receive a notification each time a response to a form is submitted.

Configure sending emails for form submission

To enable Sitefinity CMS to send Forms email notifications, you must configure the Forms module notifications settings by following these steps:

  1. Enable notifications for forms.
    Perform the following:
    1. In the main menu, click Administration » Settings » Advanced.
    2. In the treeview on the left, click Forms » Notifications.
    3. Select the Enable notifications checkbox.
    4. Click Save changes.
  2. Configure a Notification profile for sending emails.
    By default, if you have configured the Sitefinity CMS email settings, the Forms module will send notifications using the default notification profile. For more information about configuring Sitefinity CMS email settings, see Configure email settings. If you want to explicitly specify a notification profile for the Forms module (for example, a profile different than the default one), perform these steps:
    1. In the SenderProfile textbox, type the name of the notification profile you want to be used to send emails for the Forms module. If you do not fill in a name explicitly, the Default notification profile will be used. For more information about Sitefinity CMS notification profiles, see Configure notification profiles.
    2. Click Save changes.

Send confirmation email upon form submission

Sitefinity CMS enables you to send email confirmation for successful form response submission. To configure sending confirmation emails, follow these steps:

  1. In the main menu, click Content » Forms.
  2. Click on the form, which you want to subscribe users for.
  3. Drag and drop an Email widget in your form.
  4. Click Publish.
  5. Expand the Actions link of the form you want to subscribe users for and click Properties.
  6. Select the Send email to form respondent checkbox under Notifications » Confirmation email.
  7. To customize the template of the notification email, click Customize email.

    NOTE: When you choose to customize a template, this customization is valid only for the form you are currently editing.
    Once you customize a template on a form level, the form no longer uses the template, available under Administration » Settings » System emails. For more information, see Manage templates for system emails.
    To restore this link, you can click the Restore to original button while customizing the template.

  8. Save your changes.

Send notification emails upon form submission

Sitefinity CMS enables you to send email notifications to a list of subscribers every time someone submits a new form response or edits an existing one. To subscribe a user to receive notification emails for a form, follow these steps:

  1. To subscribe yourself (the currently logged user) for forms notification:
    1. In the main menu, click Content » Forms.
    2. Click the Actions link of the form, which responses you want to subscribe to.
    3. In the dropdown menu, click Subscribe.
  2. To subscribe other users for form responses notification emails:
    1. In the main menu, click Content » Forms.
    2. Click the form, which you want to subscribe users for.
    3. In the right-hand side of the toolbar, click Settings.
    4. Select the Send email notifications to... checkbox under Notification email.
    5. In the text area below, enter the email addresses of the users that you want to subscribe.
      Enter each email address on a new line.
    6. Optionally, you can customize the template of the notification email by clicking Customize email.

      NOTE: When you choose to customize a template, this customization is valid only for the form you are currently editing.
      Once you customize a template on a form level, the form no longer uses the template, available under Administration » Settings » System emails. For more information, see Manage templates for system emails.
      To restore this link, you can click the Restore to original button while customizing the template.

    7. Click Publish.

The subscribed users will receive email notification whenever a response is submitted to a form.

NOTE: If you want to promote email notification settings when you use the SiteSync module to promote content, you have to enable the SyncSubscribersList option by navigating to Administration » Settings » Advanced » SiteSync » Forms.

Control whether form response details are included in the email

You can instruct Sitefinity CMS to include the form response details in the notification email sent to form subscribers or respondents. This way, all form field values of the submitted response are included in the message body. To include the form response details, your form response confirmation or notification email, follow these steps:

  1. Include the {|Form.Fields|} dynamic data field in your form response notification or confirmation email. For more information, see Manage templates for system emails.

    NOTE: By default, only the form response notification email includes the form response details dynamic data field.

  2. Instruct your Sitefinity CMS whether to resolve the {|Form.Fields|} dynamic data field. To enable/disable resolving of the {|Form.Fields|} dynamic data field, perform the following:
    1. In the main menu, click Administration » Settings » Advanced.
    2. In the treeview on the left, click Forms » Notifications.
    3. Select or deselect the Include a copy of the submitted information in the notification message checkbox.

      NOTE: By default, this checkbox is enabled and the form response details are included.

    4. Click Save changes.

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