Translation service

The Translations service helps you automate the process of translating your content items, pages, and templates. Using this service, you can easily send multilingual content directly to external translating agencies.

Depending on the translation agency you work with, you can:

  • Automatically generate XLIFF files, send them to the translating agency over email, and import the translated content back to Sitefinity CMS.
    This connector is configured by default.

    NOTE: XLIFF is industry-standard file format for exchanging localizable data.

  • Automatically generate XLIFF files, send them to an FTP server of the agency. Files are then automatically imported to Sitefinity CMS, when the agency uploads them on the FTP server.
    To use it, you must first configure the connector in Sitefinity CMS,
  • Integrate the translation service of the agency, which consumes the translation files directly. Files are then automatically sent and imported in Sitefinity CMS. 
    Sitefinity CMS supports Lionbridge Freeway via the Clay Tablet Connector. To use it, you must first configure the connector in Sitefinity.
    Sitefinity CMS also supports Clay Tablet. For a list of translation agencies that use Clay Tablet connector, see Translation connectors.
  • Implement a custom translation connector to serve your requirements. For more information, see the tutorial and sample in Sitefinity CMS GitHub repository.

For more information, see Setup connectors to translation services.

RESTRICTIONS: The Translations module has the following restrictions:

  • You cannot send one item to more than one translation service.
  • You cannot have different translations services configured per different sites. However, the translatable content is per site.

Translatable content

You can automatically send for translation the following content:

  • Pages and Page templates

    NOTE: When you send a page or page template for translation, the content in this page or template is not sent to the translation service. You need to translate the content separately.

    EXAMPLE: If you have a page that displays a news item, you must send to translation separately the news item from the News module and the page. 
    The only case when content is sent together with a page or page template is when you have a Content block on the page that is not shared. If it is a shared content block, you must send it for translation from the Content blocks module.

  • Built-in content types
    News items, Blogs and Blog posts, Lists and List items, Events, and Media content 
  • Dynamic content types
  • Custom content types
    You can configure the custom widgets that display your custom types to be translatable.
    For more information, see Create translatable custom widgets.

Non-translatable content

You cannot automatically send for translation the following content:

  • Forums, Forum threads, and Forum posts
  • Comments

You can translate these content types manually. For more information, see Manually translate content and media.


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