Configure the form properties

Open the settings

To configure the setting of a form, on the Forms page, expand the Actions menu of the respective form, and click Properties.

You can change the following settings:

General settings

  • Title
    You can enter a new title for the form.
  • Name used in code
    You can change the automatically generated name for developers by entering the new name in the input field that appears.
    This is the name of the form that is used by developers to refer to the form in the code.
  • Restrictions
    In this radio button group you can control the responses to the form.
    Choose one of the following:
    • One entry per IP
      The form can be filled out and submitted only once from a particular IP. If the user tries to submit the form more than once from the same IP address, the system displays an error massage.
    • One entry per username
      The form can be filled out and submitted only once by a particular user. If the same user tries to submit the form more than once, the system displays an error massage.
      Use this option only if there is user registration prior to submitting the form.
    • No restrictions: Everyone can submit unlimited number of entries
      The form can be submitted unlimited number of times from the same user and IP.
  • After submission users will…
    In this radio button group, you choose what happens after a user submits the form. Select one of the following:
    • View a message
      A textbox appears, where you define the success message that appears when a user submits the form.
    • Redirect to page...
      After submitting the form the system redirects the user to another page of the website. You can select a page from this site or enter a URL.

Notifications settings

PREREQUISITES: To be able to send emails to respondendets or subscribers:

Confirmation email

If you want to send an email to the respondent of the form, select Send email to form respondent.

If you want to customize the email template, click Customize email.
For more information, see Manage templates for system emails.

NOTE: To be able to send an email to the respondent, the form must contain an email field where the respondents can fill out their emails.

Notification email

If for each submitted form response, you want to send an email to a predefined set of emails, select Send email notification to…
In the paragraph box that appears, enter the list of emails one per line.

If you want to customize the email template, click Customize email.
For more information, see Manage templates for system emails.

Send form data to external applications

In this section, you can send data submitted via a Sitefinity Next.js form to one of the following applications:


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